We are all seeing changes in our classrooms as a direct result of the recession. Some of you have nearly 40 students in a class, perhaps there are some with even more. How do you interact meaningful with each of 40 students in a 40-60 minute period?? Even with block scheduling, bigger classes make it that much harder for us to reach the students we need to reach. And we continue to be expected to do more with less - less money, less coverage, less resources in general.
But those of us who have chosen to stay in this profession through thick and thin must have our reasons. Here are just a few of mine:
- I learn as much from my interactions with my students as I hope to teach them.
- Every year I come back there is a student from the previous year who is genuinely glad to see me.
- Every year there is a student (or more) who makes me entirely rethink what I thought I knew about teaching - and that's a good thing!
- There are constant challenges with the changes that continue to be piled on that are often directly in opposition to what we know about learning and students.
- I cannot get complacent!!!
- I have to keep on top of changes in technology in order to keep up with my students.