Friday, August 13, 2010

Back to School

It has been a busy summer. I've had the pleasure of attending several conferences and presenting some of our work at two of them. The latest conference was Teaching and Learning Online in Madision, WI. I joined my colleague, Connie Jaeger, in the presentation of her research into Hybrid Systems using online learning, ad we were well received. Next year we may propose to do a workshop for the conference as there was clearly interest for learning more about our work.

Earlier in the summer, I attended the ISTE conference in Denver, CO. I made some great contacts there and had the pleasure of attending some interesting workshops include one built completely around playing with online constructivist and creativity tools!

Meanwhile, back at home, we've continued to add courses to our program and will be adding a course to offer proficiency in the ISTE Student NETS on global and digital citizenship. Our new course schedule is posted so don't forget to visit us at