Monday, June 22, 2009


PODetc is in development of several new courses for the fall and winter terms. One of these courses will focus on STEM - (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). STEM is not necessarily a new focus in education as we have known for a long time that other countries are out-competing us in filling jobs in these critical areas. Just read Friedman's book, The World is Flat, (read an excerpt here) to get a feel for what globalization means to us and our students. We are not producing the graduates that are capable of filling the jobs of the future.

STEM is a way to focus on those skills perceived as most critical to the future, but it does not mean that other disciplines are unimportant. Read a Q&A with auther Tony Wagner to get a preview of what he calls the seven survival skills for the future in his book, The Global Achievement Gap. This list includes oral and written communication, creativity and imagination, critical thinking, and several more. We need many of what might be called the traditional disciplines, but we need to integrate them into more meaningful and authentic learning opportunities.

If viewed properly, a STEM focus can provide this shift by providing an application of skills attained through the study of English, languages, history, art, music within a context of science, technology, engineering, and math that provides students with actual application of those skills to their world. My goal with the new PODetc course will be to provide educators from all backgrounds an opportunity to develop meaning for the acronym within their own reality and to share tools that can help us develop focus in these areas so critical to our students' futures.

To read the latest news on STEM, visit Education Week's Spotlight on STEM in Schools.

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